UNIX Sysadmin Resources – Source Code Revision Contol

This content was originally created, collected, and maintained by Stokely Consulting.
As of May 2005, it is being hosted and maintained by Bill Bradford.

Free software and information | Commercial software

Freeware, public-domain, shareware, GPL software and information:

Dave Eaton’s Software Configuration Management Info, also known as the Software Configuration Management FAQ for comp.software.config-mgmt, is an excellent starting place to learn about configuration management. The FAQ contains general CM questions, information about CM and Problem Management tools.
Aegis is a transaction-based software configuration management system.
Arch is a free revision control system with features that are ideal for free software and open source projects characterized by widely distributed development, concurrent support of multiple releases, and substantial amounts of development on branches. It is intended to replace CVS.
GNU CVS is a replacement for RCS.
CVS Home is a CVS community site. Provides documentation, FAQs, projects, tools, mailing lists and news. There is good information on CVS at Cyclic Software and in the CVS FAQ.
The CVS Book: Open Source Development with CVS by Karl Fogel is a free book available online. Treeware version, German and Japanese translations available.
PRCS is a front end for tools like CVS.
Subversion is a version control system designed to be a better CVS, and fixes many things that are broken in CVS. Open source, free software.

Commercial software:

Rational Software, makers of Clearcase.
AccuRev Inc., makers of AccuRev. Client-server, runs on many Unix versions, Linux, NT, Windows 2000. Uses a parallel development model, has command line and GUI interfaces.
BitKeeper is a scalable configuration management system, supporting globally distributed development, disconnected operation, compressed repositories, change sets, and named lines of development (branches). Runs on most Linux and Unix varieties, Windows98/NT/W2K/ME.
MKS Integrity Solution is a change management solution that allows enterprise development and IT operations teams to develop, build, package, deploy and manage software across multiple platforms and sites. Built on Java technology and supports a variety of flavors of UNIX including Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, and FreeBSD.
Perforce Software, makers of Perforce, the Fast Software Configuration Management System.
PVCS from Merant, runs on HP-UX, AIX. Solaris, SCO, Digital, and many more Unix versions. It’s an integrated suite of products for version management, configuration, bug tracking, process and workflow. You can also buy just the pieces you want.
Seapine Software, makers of Surround SCM to manage your software source code changes. Command-line and GUI support on Windows, Linux, Solaris, and Mac OS X, a client/server architecture, integration into Visual Studio, and two-way integration into TestTrack Pro.
SourceGear, makers of SourceOffSite, allows fast and secure read/write access to a centralized Visual SourceSafe database via any TCP/IP connection. Clients for Solaris, Linux, Windows.
Telelogic AB, makers of Synergy change and configuration management software, DOORS/ERS requirements management system and Tau visual software development environment for software analysis, design and testing.