[geeks] Laptop LCD defect *rant*

Gavin Hubbard ghub005 at xtra.co.nz
Fri Dec 20 05:10:22 CST 2002

>> Gavin Hubbard wrote:
>> >
>> > Although it isn't ethical, I'm really tempted to disconnect the
>> > power lead (which can be accessed by removing the keyboard) and declare
>> > DOA. I'm not usually that nasty, but that unblinking red pixel is slowly
>> > driving me nuts in a disembodied HAL 2000 sort of way...
>> Fsck the ethical part, I'd do it. Just drag out that cable enough to
>> cause the backlight to go black, then you could always refer to your own
>> theory that "something must have happened during shipment".
>> /Bjorn
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>But what happens if against all odds they examine it....
>Realise whats happened, plug it back in and send it back

I'd be fairly confident that the machine I send in won't be coming back,
especially if they do a straight out replacement. Stuff in the vendor
return channel usually gets stripped for parts or sent out to auction (for
disposal) after getting a very cursory check. Generally it isn't worth the
resource cost of using a technican to fix RMA hardware, especially SOHO
level items.

That red spot has started winking at me I swear.

"Out, damned spot! out, I say!" - Macbeth/1605/Act V/Scene 1/Rows 38 



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