[geeks] Kids and computers...

Kurt Huhn kurt at k-huhn.com
Tue Feb 19 10:15:08 CST 2002

> I'd be interested to see how those of you with kids handle the situation
> at your home.

It's the same as with my tools, my vehicles, etc - they're only allowed
to use "my" stuff under supervision.  Now, they're only 4 and 2,
extremely smart 4 and 2,but still quite young.  That means that Daddy
does most of the clicking and typing...

That said - the 233Mhz and 266Mhz iMacs have reached a price point that
makes it attractive for me to get them their own computer.  That way,
they can click, type, drag, whatever, and as long as we have a system
restore CD - they can't eff it up too bad...


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