[geeks] Workbench doing well...

Mike Meredith hmv at meredithm.fsnet.co.uk
Sun Jun 2 15:14:24 CDT 2002

On Sunday 02 June 2002 12:32, Will Mc Donald wrote:
> You sort of kneel in them. The lack of a backrest means you have sit
> up straight, keeping you spine in a neutral position. I've never used
> on but always thought they looked comfy.
> http://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/ergonomics/sitting/sitting_alternative

I've been using one at home for just over a year. Whilst they aren't too
bad, they can be very touch on the knees and you do have to concentrate
on keeping your back straight. I'm pretty sure that I couldn't use one
for a whole day at the office.

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