[geeks] Greenery and brambles...

Kurt Huhn kurt at k-huhn.com
Mon Oct 28 11:40:43 CST 2002

Chris Hedemark <chris at yonderway.com> wrote:
> But there are still huge tracts of undeveloped land in North America. 
> If you can manage to get by without being near a city, there are still
> places where you can get good  land for around $500/acre (~UKP320).  
> East of the Appalachians you can get in for $1,000 to $2,000 (~ UKP640

40 acre undeveloped plots of land in Wyoming and Montana go for less
than ~$85,000.  I was recently alerted to a piece of land in Vermont -
500 acres, house, outbuildings, all for $200,000.  I nearly creamed my

I'd love to live in Vermont.
Kurt                "I remember that I've got a solid base of worms and
kurt at k-huhn.com      ant eggs.  I puke like a hero all night long."
                                                      -- Tony Bourdain

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