[geeks] Good Used Unix Workstation

Thomas Gallaway tgallaway at comcast.net
Sun Jul 6 13:25:31 CDT 2003

Get a nice Apple! Lot's of software for it and running unix.
For that kind of cash you can get a dual 2ghz G5 with a gig
of ram and a 20" flatpanel.

-- Thomas

On Sunday, Jul 6, 2003, at 14:02 America/Montreal, Aaron Finley wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm going off to college next year.
> I'm going to need a new computer. I've sold off all my old 
> workstations to make money to buy a new one. Need a new machine mostly 
> for general computing.
> I've got about $4-$5k to spend.
> I really would rather not take a PC, if I need a PC, there are 
> thousands on campus. I would consider an IBM Dual Xeon Z Pro though.
> Anyway, here's my short list:
> Sun Blade 1000 2x 750 ... This seems to be the perfect computer but 
> appears to be very hard to find for a reasonable price.
> Sun Blade 150 ... Looks like a nice computer but I think the value for 
> money on the used ones is poor, dosen't look too durable.
> SGI Octane2 2x 400 w/ V8 ... A nice computer, I've owned several SGIs, 
> but there's nothing new about them, and I don't see much visual arts 
> in my future, and any programs that aren't in visual arts on SGIs are 
> usually rather old.  I had IFX Piranha, and that was beautiful, but 
> what's the point?
> IBM Zpro Dual Xeon 2.8 ... Nice, I have a Z pro dual xeon 550 and it's 
> the most responsive PC i've ever used, but I don't really want a PC.
> Any advice?
> Thanks,
> Aaron
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