[geeks] Good Used Unix Workstation

Frank Van Damme frank.vandamme at student.kuleuven.ac.be
Sun Jul 6 14:07:14 CDT 2003

On Sunday 06 July 2003 20:25, Thomas Gallaway wrote:
> Get a nice Apple! Lot's of software for it and running unix.
> For that kind of cash you can get a dual 2ghz G5 with a gig
> of ram and a 20" flatpanel.

I actually was going to say the same thing. I didn't because Aaron is
specifically asking for used stuff but indeed, the Apple is a good choice for
the price you aim at. It runs unix, it is workstation-alike (pe no shared bus
like on a PC).

Frank Van Damme    http://www.openstandaarden.be
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"Je pense, donc je suis breveti."

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