[geeks] Good Used Unix Workstation

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Sun Jul 6 14:14:11 CDT 2003

On Sun, Jul 06, 2003 at 02:02:46PM -0400, Aaron Finley wrote:
> Sun Blade 1000 2x 750 ... This seems to be the perfect computer but 
> appears to be very hard to find for a reasonable price.

I would recommend against it.  I"ve got a 1x900.  Its a nice machine, but..

> Sun Blade 150 ... Looks like a nice computer but I think the value for 
> money on the used ones is poor, dosen't look too durable.

They're just SLIGHTLY better than the U5s and U10s.  I wouldn't buy one

> IBM Zpro Dual Xeon 2.8 ... Nice, I have a Z pro dual xeon 550 and it's the 
> most responsive PC i've ever used, but I don't really want a PC.

These are nice.

> Any advice?

Why not a new G5?  I moved from using a SB1000 (1x900, 1G RAM) and a 
PC, to having a dual-867Mhz G4 machine as my main system.  I've never
been happier.  For $4-5K, you can get a nice G5 *and* an Apple flat
panel display. 


bill bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
austin, texas

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