[geeks] gps on plane

wa2egp at att.net wa2egp at att.net
Thu Jul 31 18:43:12 CDT 2003

> The problem is that airplanes are a bit different when it comes to
> security, you can not come and say 40 times out of 10E3 flights something
> which we have no idea and which we can not duplicate happens. Since you do
> not know exactly what went on and how to deal with it, it is better to
> take that element out of the equation.

Taking all electronic equipment out of the equation works really well but
imagine all of the businessmen not flying because they can't use their 
laptops during the flight.  Oh heck, take all the passengers out of the 
equation and you won't have to worry about hijacking either.
/end sarcasm

In their evaluation of risk assesment, being over cautious is better.
Good thing they are not in the medical field, I don't think penicillin or
aspirin would be on the market.  Again, it's bottom line.  

> I assume you could tell the engineers at boeing or airbus how to do it
> better, right? J/K I know plenty of people at Airbus and a few at boeing,
> and I am pretty impressed by the design and check driven flow. The problem
> is that no matter how much you try, there is always going to be someone
> that is going to figure out how to make an extra buck by pumping an
> even shittier electronic component.... and then it hits the market :).

That seems to be NASA's problem.  Just about every failure they have had
ultimately stems from a bad administrative decision even when the engineers
were warning them about the problems that would/could occur.

> Do not worry, I was just kidding...I am a PhD student, I am used to
> cite and give references, I do not pull stuff out of my arse :). I usually
> trust the honor code when I deal with academics, the only time I turn it off
> is when I see an "expert" in TV (FOXhole, CNN, etc. etc..) since I am supposed
> to take their opinions (and when I watch a news channel I just want news
> and the facts, not opinions... I can make my own mind thank you very
> much... but I guess that is for another whole thread :) ).

Just make sure the orals don't mess with your head.  Sometime I wonder if
that's what does it ;->.  As my father used to say, "They ruined radio once
they added pictures."  I don't remember seeing a balanced treatment of
anything on TV, especially the "news".  Too bad there isn't any news anymore....

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