[geeks] Poughkeepsie, NY

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at verizon.net
Sun Nov 28 19:33:10 CST 2004

> From: Porkchop <porkchop at nic.com>
> Date: 2004/11/27 Sat PM 06:17:03 GMT
> To: The Geeks List <geeks at sunhelp.org>
> Subject: [geeks] Poughkeepsie, NY
> Since its so quiet, I'm hoping people won't mind the selective target 
> audience of this post...
> I'm looking to find others like me in the vicinity of Poughkeepsie, 
> New York. A few friends and I have found some shared commercial space 
> and (starting December 1, our movein day) will use it to work on 
> personal and shared projects. The idea is that with a few shared 
> minds, some common space and utilities, what we accomplish can be 
> much more impressive and meaningful. (Example: Ever want to get and 
> run a Cray, but the [wife,husband] would never let it in the front 
> door?).
> We're looking for more members. Give me a buzz off-list if you want 
> to know more. This is an entirely not-for-profit venture.
> -porkchop

Connectivity at the site? Colo at cost++ might make it more appealing... Just asking.

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