[geeks] Needed: SunOS 4.1.4

Dan Duncan dand at pcisys.net
Fri Apr 7 14:01:26 CDT 2006

On Fri, 7 Apr 2006, Dave K wrote:
> After burning both images, it appears they produce identical discs, at
> least all the files are identical.
> Is making an ISO image file non-deterministic?  Or could there be
> subtle differences between these discs I don't know to look for?

Can you mount both images (or discs) and run rsync -avcn or something
against them?  It should spit out the list of files that are different.


#  Dan Duncan (kd4igw)  dand at pcisys.net  http://pcisys.net/~dand
# If all it takes is an infinite number of monkeys with typewriters,
# how come AOL hasn't written any Shakespeare yet?

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