[geeks] Needed: SunOS 4.1.4

Dave K davek08054 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 7 14:52:08 CDT 2006

On 4/7/06, Dan Duncan <dand at pcisys.net> wrote:
> On Fri, 7 Apr 2006, Dave K wrote:
> > After burning both images, it appears they produce identical discs, at
> > least all the files are identical.
> >
> > Is making an ISO image file non-deterministic?  Or could there be
> > subtle differences between these discs I don't know to look for?
> Can you mount both images (or discs) and run rsync -avcn or something
> against them?  It should spit out the list of files that are different.

That's just it, all the files appear to be the same.  I don't have
anything with two CD drives, so I copied the contents of the two discs
to disk, then did:

  for f in $(find . -type f);do cmp $f ../<otherone>/$f;done

Also, a Windows-based (blechh) cdrom-crc tool generates the same value
for each disc.

I'm hoping to find that .iso files can contain some form of "control",
"configuration", or "whatever" data that allows two different ones to
generate identical discs.

Dave K
Unix Systems & Network Administrator
Mount Laurel NJ

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