[geeks] Two quick questions...

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at verizon.net
Wed Jun 13 14:28:29 CDT 2007

Hello all,

I was wondering if anyone read the Comer book "The Internet Book"? It is an admittedly lower-level text than many here would be interested in (conversational vs. technical), but I am looking at is as a text for folks asking "How does <technology> work?"...

Link to book on Amazon:

Also, unrelated to above - anyone implement the Sun "Cool Stack" for a SAMP server? I'm about to set one up later today, and while it looks *extremely* simple to setup, I'm wondering if there are any gotchas? FYI I'm going to set this up on a Ultra 5 w/400 MHz CPU, 1 Gig RAM, and 120 Gig IDE HD as a development/testbed - I thought about using one of my many, many Ultra 2s, but I wanted the gobs of storage an IDE-based system provides...

Thanks for any insight on either topics...


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