[geeks] Why can't I find large-capacity replacement/upgrade IDE laptop drive

John Francini francini at mac.com
Wed Jan 23 09:00:43 CST 2008

> I think the easiest source would be low-cost 2.5" external USB drives.
> Newegg has one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?
> Item=N82E16822136159
> BestBuy ext. drive: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?
> skuId=8499564&type=product&id=1188562589586
> Lionel

Thanks, Lionel!  I do know about USB external drives (actually, since  
this is for a Mac 17" G4 laptop, I'd want FW800 if possible, FW400 is  
not, and USB as a last resort).  I want all the storage *inside* the  
box, not outside it (except for backups and truly static storage).

I guess it must be the tunnel-vision of drive makers that don't see  
any money in HD upgrades for people who consider their laptops to be  
'desktop replacements', as I do.  The WD sounds like the way to go.   
I just wish there was another choice, or some near-zero-footprint IDE- 
to-SATA dongle that would allow one to use SATA laptop drives in an  
IDE laptop.

I'd really rather not replace the laptop simply because the drive  
manufacturers won't produce larger-capacity drives for the IDE  

Gotta love planned obsolescence...


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