[geeks] Fibre Channel RAID Cardyi

Sridhar Ayengar ploopster at gmail.com
Wed Mar 5 07:16:30 CST 2008

Nick B. wrote:
> You might be able to use something like
> http://cgi.ebay.com/Fibre-channel-SATA-RAID_W0QQitemZ220206689052QQihZ012QQcategoryZ44994QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

Nope.  I need a *FIBRE CHANNEL* RAID controller.  Not a Fibre Channel to 
SATA RAID controller.

Peace...  Sridhar
> there are a few other folks who make something similar.
> What is the goal?
> 	Nick
> On Tue, Mar 04, 2008 at 02:25:59PM -0500, Sridhar Ayengar wrote:
>> Nick B. wrote:
>>> All the fiber-channel raid I'm aware of is some sort of external box.  
>>> Would
>>> one of those work for you?  It would present LUNs to the host, but be 
>>> almost
>>> totally independant.
>> That would be fine, provided I could find one for under $5K.  Under $3K 
>> would be optimal.  The ones I've seen were more like $10K, but had way 
>> more (by a factor of four sometimes) channels than I need.
>> Peace...  Sridhar
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