[geeks] Mr Bill?

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Fri Sep 19 14:22:30 CDT 2008

On Fri, 19 Sep 2008, Lionel Peterson wrote:

> I'm confused, do you mean the numerical minority party in both the house
> and senate and the lame duck President in the White House? That "party
> in power"?  Or the professional post office renamers in the other party?

I'm more confused yet.  Do we really have more than one party in this
country?  What will the Demublicans do that the Repocrats won't?  McBama
wants "change" (but fails to define it).  O'Cain is a strange sort of
"maverick" that signs onto the same stupid crap everyone else in DC does.

<rant seething="11">

One party raises taxes to pay for increased bureaucracy.  One party just
runs the printing presses to pay for increase bureaucracy[0].  Neither
party is particularly interested in cutting bureaucracy.

Both parties want to control the world for their own interests.  Whether
we're saving the whales or the stock portfolios of rich white males, does
it really matter?  Force is force.

We have a rare opportunity this election.  Both parties are running
candidates who are senators, so you can check their voting records and
find out just how identical they are.  Then, see if you can find any
difference between two parties that would put their full weight behind two
identical privileged men who are completely detached from the working

One wants to say a woman may not abort an unborn child, and the other
wants to say that a man may not defend his wife and child with a firearm.
Neither party is okay with a guy lighting up a joint after work.  Neither
one wants to keep ALL laws off ALL our bodies.

I'm just looking forward to the day that we have nationalized healthcare
and some federal agent threatens me with jail time and fines if I don't
pay some newly-nationalized health insurance firm for coverage I neither
need nor want.  Then we'll really be in the land of the free, people.  I
already don't own my land (property taxes) or my labor (income taxes), the
products I produce (sales taxes), or my vehicle (registration and taxes).
Then I can also not-own my body, too.  That is to say, after McBama's
nationalized healthcare[1], I, just like O'Cain, won't by my own man--I'll
by "my" country's.

Does either party understand that currency is only worth what it can buy,
and if no one who accepts dollars makes anything worthwhile, our economy
is due for an implosion?  Funny, both parties had Presidential candidates
that said that, and both candidates got laughed out of the room.  Oh well,
China and India will be the footstool of the US economy of MBAs,
middle-managers, and basketball players forever, right?

The clue-phone is ringing, America.  You need change.  You don't need
"change you can believe in" from some sort of "maverick".  You need to
wake the fuck up.  Power-hungry idiots running the world like their owners
run their corporations (short term profits, plan to sell off and bail out
in the long term) is a recipe for a lot of hurt.  We do need change.  The
more government we have, the more special programs we enact, the more
welfare we hand out, the more money we print, the more regulations we
create, the harder it is for an hour of labor to buy anything useful at
all.  We need a "change" that reverses that trend by doing more (work)
with less (government).  We need a "change" that lets adults do whatever
the hell they want with whomever the hell they want provided there isn't

The nice thing about this sort of necessary paradigm shift is that it'll
happen whether we ask for it or not.  It'll just go a lot more smoothly if
we hop on board and demand control of our own lives and businesses again.
All the legislation and healthcare and stimulus checks in the world can't
keep us from sliding back into the third world (complete with
backwards-thinking controls on personal behavior).


[0] Thereby taxing everyone through inflation.  That "stimulus" check you
     got?  By the time that cash got in your hands, your overall net worth
     (if stagnant) had less purchasing power than it did when the check was
[1] "If you are one of the 45 million Americans who don't have health
     insurance, you will have it after this plan becomes law."
Jonathan Patschke | "There is more to life than increasing its speed."
Elgin, TX         |                                   --Mahatma Gandhi
USA               |

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