[geeks] Netbook/OS X suggestions?

velociraptor velociraptor at gmail.com
Tue Jan 5 18:39:08 CST 2010

On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 9:49 AM, William Barnett-Lewis
<wlewisiii at gmail.com> wrote:

> I've gotten some good ideas. I'll look to see if I can find the parts
> online as Nadine suggests. I can't/won't do Ebay since they require
> Paypal  now, but perhaps I can track them down a fan from a non-ebay
> source. This is a 2ghz CoreDuo Macbook 2.1 - anyone got an extra fan
> ;) ?

Try iFixit.com, powerbookmedics.com, or maybe the Low-end mac mailing
list? TBH, if you don't want to use paypal, try joining one of the Mac
forums and asking if anyone has used an eBay vendor that has PB/Mac
repair parts, then PM those folks for private contact info for the
seller.  Or watch an auction, and ask a question.  If the seller
responds w/email, you can circumvent ebay entirely.

I have done deals outside of eBay with vendors I've purchased from
before.  Hard to do with big companies, but smaller vendors are happy
to avoid the fees.

(I understand your dislike of both eBay and PP, and agree to an
extent--but not enough that I won't use them for small stuff that I'd
pay 2-4x more for if purchased elsewhere--like cell phone/iPod/digital
camera accessories.)


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