[geeks] Guess What I Found In My Closet

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 10 21:33:03 CDT 2020

Five years ago, I moved to Texas - before I moved to Texas, I found an old,
fully functional Apple ][e with 2x floppy drives & controller at a church
rummage sale. I brought it home, powered it up, and it ran fine. I cleaned the
case, then started researching (I was around Apple ][e computers as a kid, but
in school we used TRS-80s, and I just never took a liking to the Apple
computers for whatever reason. In my research I found a self-published Apple
][ User Manual (like 500+ pages of "stuff" on the early Apples), but never did
much more than type in rudimentary BASIC programs.

I never touched the floppy drives.

In my research I came across the CFFA3000 and bought one. It was a hefty
investment for a "toy" computer, but it turned a novelty into a more
usable machine. Well, after getting the CFFA3000 card I moved to Texas and
never touched the Apple ][e again, except to confirm it still worked.

Well, fast-forward to this afternoon, I was digging through my closet and
found my CFFA3000 still sealed in bubble wrap, unopened.

I went to the builder's website (
and watched a couple videos, and convinced myself I need to get this system
back up and running...

But I don't have any Apple ][e disk images, anyone got leads on some good disk
images? Any advice setting this up?

I plan on putting it in Slot 7,so it can be a virtual hard drive AND virtual
floppy drive system, removing the actual floppy controller from my system.

Thanks in advance,

Ken (Lionel)

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