[geeks] Guess What I Found In My Closet

Robert Toegel rjtoegel at gmail.com
Tue Mar 10 22:42:18 CDT 2020

Ibd have to look but I know Ibve got a bunch of ][ c stuff that I used in
school.  Got to be some OS on the floppies.  Need to check them though.
Usually make copies every few years just in case.  Ibll check them out if
you want.


On Tue, Mar 10, 2020 at 10:33 PM Lionel Peterson <lionel4287 at gmail.com>

> Five years ago, I moved to Texas - before I moved to Texas, I found an old,
> fully functional Apple ][e with 2x floppy drives & controller at a church
> rummage sale. I brought it home, powered it up, and it ran fine. I cleaned
> the
> case, then started researching (I was around Apple ][e computers as a kid,
> but
> in school we used TRS-80s, and I just never took a liking to the Apple
> computers for whatever reason. In my research I found a self-published
> Apple
> ][ User Manual (like 500+ pages of "stuff" on the early Apples), but never
> did
> much more than type in rudimentary BASIC programs.
> I never touched the floppy drives.
> In my research I came across the CFFA3000 and bought one. It was a hefty
> investment for a "toy" computer, but it turned a novelty into a more
> usable machine. Well, after getting the CFFA3000 card I moved to Texas and
> never touched the Apple ][e again, except to confirm it still worked.
> Well, fast-forward to this afternoon, I was digging through my closet and
> found my CFFA3000 still sealed in bubble wrap, unopened.
> I went to the builder's website (
> http://dreher.net/?s=projects/CFforAppleII&c=projects/CFforAppleII/main.php
> )
> and watched a couple videos, and convinced myself I need to get this system
> back up and running...
> But I don't have any Apple ][e disk images, anyone got leads on some good
> disk
> images? Any advice setting this up?
> I plan on putting it in Slot 7,so it can be a virtual hard drive AND
> virtual
> floppy drive system, removing the actual floppy controller from my system.
> Thanks in advance,
> Ken (Lionel)
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