[geeks] ZFS on Dell R720?

Thomas Pelki thomas.pelki.1969 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 4 04:32:53 CST 2022

all you have to do is follow fodheesa guide to flash IT firmware onto the
H710 mini.
a lot of his hacking was done remotely on my r720 before he got all his
hardware in hand.

 follow his guide here -> https://fohdeesha.com/docs/perc.html

I run my r720 full loaded with spinning rust and SSD's with ZFS via FreeNAS
on the H710 mini in IT mode.
works great.


On Mon, Jan 3, 2022 at 12:17 PM Phil Stracchino <phils at caerllewys.net>

> Does anyone here have any experience with the Dell PowerEdge R720 and
> ZFS?  What I've been able to determine is that the Dell Perc H710P
> controller it comes with does not do JBOD out-of-the-box, *can* present
> each drive as a single-drive raid0, and *can* be reflashed with
> initiator-target mode firmware.
> Anyone have anything else useful to tell me?
> (I have had such an utterly horrible experience so far with the QNAP
> Hero series NAS I bought that I'm ready to factory-reset it and return it.)
> --
>    Phil Stracchino
>    Babylon Communications
>    phils at caerllewys.net
>    phil at co.ordinate.org
>    Landline: +1.603.293.8485
>    Mobile:   +1.603.998.6958
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