[SunRescue] Sun 4/670 problems
Dan Debertin
rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu May 31 00:34:47 CDT 2001
On Thu, 31 May 2001, Michael Graziano wrote:
> >
> > So, this brother of yours know how to cook? ;)
> The question isn't whether he can or can't cook... It's whether or not
> you can eat the charcoal-blackened-foobar he produces when he's
> finished. He is thin enough to wiggle inside the empty 670 chassis
> (with the cardcage out) though, so he gets to de-rust and clean that
> part.
Why not just shut him in there? He'd probably be able to manually move
electrons around faster than my current CPU's are able to manage. Just
give him a sheet of SPARC opcodes and registers and a pencil, and he'll
kick my machine's ass easily.
> (Yes my 670 has rust on it. It was rather unceremoniously moved from
> its nice, DRY colocation facility to my house... In the trunk of my car
> (1980 BMW, not exactly designed for that kind of hauling)... In
> winter...
> During a storm. Needless to say there was quite a bit of salt and sand
> scrapes on the steel case even though we plastic-wrapped it. Remarkably
> little rust though, I did good cleaning it up when it first arrived.)
Oh, you too, eh? A friend and I moved this machine to my house at
around midnight in the dead of a Minnesota winter. Imagine two scrawny
geeks trying to push it up a snow/slush/ice-laden hill at around 0
Fahrenheit ;).
And then there was the nerves-laden drive home with the chassis hanging
out the trunk....needless to say, there were cheers when it booted
successfully after that.
If I had it to do over again, I would disassemble it for transport. But I
didn't know how to do that back then.
> I was actually considering spraypainting the bare steel electric blue
> when I finish getting it cleaned up, but I've decided against that
> after careful consideration ("Hmm, I know I'll want to repaint it a
> different color in about a month if I paint it once... Let's just leave
> it as bare steel!").
I like the look of Sun hardware. Never felt a desire to paint it...
Dan Debertin
airboss at nodewarrior.org
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