[rescue] next dimension cube

Josh Neal josh at unixmercenary.net
Thu Apr 25 08:49:22 CDT 2002

On Wed, Apr 24, 2002 at 02:41:13PM -0400, Joshua D Boyd wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 24, 2002 at 07:16:03AM -0500, Randy Bowie wrote:
> > The "9-pin" connectors are SVHS in and out. The other connectors are NTSC
> > video.   The NeXT Dimension can capture and play(create) video.   It acts
> > like a video overlay card.  At one point there was some software for frame
> > accurate VCR's ( beautiful black video toaster ).
> The jpeg chip on the dimension board is really awefull.  If they had just 
> delayed release 6 months, they could have used a replacement chip that 
> wasn't roken, but the board was already horribly delayed to begin with, so
> they couldn't afford to wait.
> The short of it is that the jpeg chip can't perform at a decent level for
> doing anything more than quarter frame work.  So, don't get your hopes up
> too high.

ISTR that the C-Cube MJPEG chip never actually shipped on production dimension boards. 



Josh Neal
"I would kill everyone in this room for a drop of sweet beer."
	-- Homer Simpson

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