[rescue] Re: sunpci note: TWO cards now available

Robert Novak rnovak at indyramp.com
Sat Jan 26 22:59:14 CST 2002

On Sat, 26 Jan 2002, Josh Neal wrote:

> Oh, THAT part is fine. Just don't leave a badly named backup copy of
> ifcfg-eth* lying about. The network scripts have an amusing tendency
> to try to load config data from ifcfg-eth0, ifcfg-eth0~,
> ifcfg-eth0.backup, and ifcfg-eth0.dammitwhatsgoingonhere silently
> overwriting the interface's config as they go. NEVER add suffixes to
> these files; always add prefixes.

Ya know, that's a lot like Solaris and /etc/hostname.* ... I don't hear
you bemoaning why anyone in their right mind would use Solaris. 

Slackware doesn't predate SLS, does it? 

I think a lot of it comes down to what you're familiar with. Yes, this is
painfully obvious to most, but not to some. Some people would think of
rcfiles in /etc as being cumbersome and hard to manage. I don't think
they're any harder or easier than /etc/rc.d|/etc/init.d type scripts,
although they are far less intuitive for people who are used to less
common OSes like Solaris.

And how many of you are running Redhat 7 on Sparc? :) Maybe this should go
to linux-flamers at sunhelp for a while.


Robert Novak, Indyramp Consulting * rnovak at indyramp.com * indyramp.com/~rnovak
        "And it's been a long December and there's reason to believe
           Maybe this year will be better than the last...." -- counting crows

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