[rescue] LSOF for Solaris 9?

Drew Schatt schatt at schatt.com
Wed Jun 12 03:04:51 CDT 2002

	Ah. Perhaps I should have mentioned that I had tried the 
version 8 package of lsof, and am getting errors. Unless the 
following can be caused by disksuite, I'm guessing that I need the 
version compiled under solaris 9.
	I get these when I run lsof under solaris 9:
root at potter-1667: lsof
lsof: WARNING: compiled for Solaris release 5.8; this is 5.9.
lsof: WARNING: can't read name cache ptr: 0x0
(unknown) 25941 root  cwd                             can't read 
vnode at 0xffffffffffffffff
(unknown) 25941 root  rtd                             can't read 
vnode at 0xffffffffffffffff

>On Tue, Jun 11, 2002 at 09:37:50PM -0700, Drew Schatt wrote:
>>  Anyone have any idea where to get a version of lsof compiled with
>>  sun's compiler in 64 bit mode for Solaris 9?  Sunfreeware doesn't
>>  appear to have any software compiled for 9 at all.  Where's the best
>>  place to get software for 9?
>>	-Drew
>Try the 8 packages.  So far, I havent run into a package compiled for 8
>that doesent work on 9.
>Bill Bradford    
>mrbill at mrbill.net
>Austin, TX

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