[rescue] My new toy in Laurel MD!

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Sat Nov 16 17:38:42 CST 2002

On Sat, Nov 16, 2002 at 11:27:29AM -0600, Steven Hill wrote:
> Reminds me of a story about the SAS returning from the sirge at the
> Iranian Embassy in London.
> Convoy of three or four RRs doing approx the ton down the Motorway out of
> London. Police car sees this, and pulls them over.
> Heavily armed, highly skilled men sit in the RRs, while a police office
> gets out and wanders over...
> "Do you know how fas...." <sees police and military radios> "you're them,
> aren't you?"
> "yes"
> "OK, carry on. I'll escort you as far as I can."


Friend of mine was (is?) in the National Guard.  He told me that when 
they're in convoy (between bases, or whatever), that local police and
highway patrol have NO jurisdiction over them.  Said one small-town
cop tried to pull over a couple of troop haulers for speeding - the
guys in the hauler laughed, gave him the finger, waved their guns
around, and kept going...


bill bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
austin, texas

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