[rescue] My new toy in Laurel MD!

Chad Fernandez fernande at internet1.net
Sat Nov 16 18:02:10 CST 2002

Bill Bradford wrote:
> bahahaha.
> Friend of mine was (is?) in the National Guard.  He told me that when 
> they're in convoy (between bases, or whatever), that local police and
> highway patrol have NO jurisdiction over them.  Said one small-town
> cop tried to pull over a couple of troop haulers for speeding - the
> guys in the hauler laughed, gave him the finger, waved their guns
> around, and kept going...
> Bill

Too fast??  Usually convoys are going slower than the rest of traffic. 
I always figure the 6x6's were just slow.  That's funny that some local 
Barnie Fife tried pulling them over :-)

Michigan, USA

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