[rescue] Free SGI Indigo 2

Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. rescue at hawkmountain.net
Tue Dec 30 00:17:01 CST 2003

I have a few SGI Indigo 2 computers available for free for local pickup.

They have 200MHZ CPUs with 1M of L2 Cache.  They are Teal systems.
No drives, No memory, no drive brackets, no cdrom.

Add memory and an internal disk with bracket (or external disk) and
you've got a classic SGI.

I am located in Sharon, MA (which for those not familiar with the area
is aproximately half way between Providence, RI and Boston, MA.

If somebody really wants one of these shipped, I can do that, but
I'll need $25 + actual ship cost simply to cover materials, time to
pack, etc.

-- Curt

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