update: was [[rescue] Did I kill the octane?]

Peter Wargo pwargo at basenji.com
Tue Dec 30 01:37:53 CST 2003

Just for chucks and giggles, I tried various compile and config options 
of flops.c on my G5 Dual (2.0).  The best (overall) run was with only 
one CPU turned on (hmmmm), and the following compiler settings:

cc -DUNIX -fast -faltivec -mhard-float -o flops flops.c

The results (keep in mind that even though I used the altivec option, 
there is no Altivec code here):

    FLOPS C Program (Double Precision), V2.0 18 Dec 1992

    Module     Error        RunTime      MFLOPS
      1      4.0146e-13      0.0122   1143.2217
      2     -1.4166e-13      0.0133    525.5132
      3      4.7184e-14      0.0084   2033.6449
      4     -1.2546e-13      0.0138   1084.7458
      5     -1.3800e-13      0.0258   1122.2978
      6      3.2374e-13      0.0152   1908.4833
      7     -8.4583e-11      0.0301    398.7021
      8      3.4855e-13      0.0154   1951.7154

    Iterations      =  512000000
    NullTime (usec) =     0.0003
    MFLOPS(1)       =   693.6946
    MFLOPS(2)       =   776.0670
    MFLOPS(3)       =  1207.2351
    MFLOPS(4)       =  1724.9907


Peter L. Wargo / pwargo at basenji.com

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