[rescue] New Origin 3400 in Ottawa

Romain Dolbeau romain at dolbeau.org
Tue Jan 28 01:30:28 CST 2020

Le mar. 28 janv. 2020 C  06:22, Dave McGuire <mcguire at neurotica.com> a C)crit
>   I don't know of any ccNUMA systems in the current crop of big PCs.
> Cache coherency is a tough nut to crack.

Full disclosure: I do work for Atos...


Won't grow as big as the old NUMAlink systems, but each socket as a
lot more cores.

(HPE has a similar system based on SGI technology, I have to say,
those two are the only one I know of that will go > 16 sockets for a
single image OS).


Romain Dolbeau

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