[rescue] EIO card in HP 4M

Romain Dolbeau romain at dolbeau.org
Tue Apr 13 08:25:52 CDT 2021

Le mar. 13 avr. 2021 C  14:19, Ethan Hawke <ehawk at ember.systems> a C)crit :
> While the PCS-96MD and FCN-234P096 connectors from the SBus spec itself
> are discontinued, the TE AMPLIMITE 5174683-8 is still manufactured and
> by the datasheet seems to be compatible with the SBus spec. So new cards
> may still an option.

Thank you very much for the reference, I didn't realize this specific
connector had an alternate supplier.

Short glance at  the specs, it seems that indeed the MB-side pins are
in the proper place, would have to check if it's a drop-in replacement
(i.e. same PCB-side connections, clearance, etc.) or if my PCB would
need rework to get it to work. But it's good to know I have time to
work on the project before parts run out :-) Mouser still has 330
FCN-234P096-G/Y in stock, down from 333 before SeeedStudtio ordered 3
to manufacture my boards... that stock may still last for a while, but
second sources are always good.

Do you know if the MBus connectors have an alternate as well ? (though
it would be a *whole* *lot* harder to implement a full MBus module in
a FPGA - but a couple of Leons with V8+ atomics would make a neat
upgrade :-) ).


Romain Dolbeau

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