[rescue] EIO card in HP 4M

Ethan Hawke ehawk at ember.systems
Tue Apr 13 09:23:37 CDT 2021

> Do you know if the MBus connectors have an alternate as well ? (though
> it would be a *whole* *lot* harder to implement a full MBus module in
> a FPGA - but a couple of Leons with V8+ atomics would make a neat
> upgrade :-) ).

I had a bit of a look but not much luck, AMP now TE Connectivity, have 
discontinued the part, but they do still have the shorter ones (under 
special request, have $14K lying around?), would require some sort of 
spacer to use however.

And of course Fujitsu has completely pulled out of the connector market, 
so no luck there either.

So unfortunately creating new MBus modules may be out of the question, 
unless you are happy to harvest the connectors from dead modules.

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