[rescue] EIO card in HP 4M

Michael-John Turner mj at mjturner.net
Fri Apr 16 07:18:51 CDT 2021

On Thu, Apr 15, 2021 at 05:23:00PM -0500, Lionel Peterson wrote:
>I've forgotten, how loud are Ultra 60s? It's been a very long time since I
>powered one up.

By my reckoning, they're fairly quiet (certainly a lot quieter than, eg, a
Blade 1000). Lovely machines - until ~3 years ago I was using one as my
home mail server (IIRC it replaced an SS10). I've been meaning to dust it
off and get it running again - I do wish there was a cost effective way of
replacing the SCA disks with SSDs but I've not managed to find anything yet.

I found new homes for some of my systems a few years back but I do still
have a pair of SS20s and an Ultra 2, amongst others. Lovely machines. 

Cheers, MJ
Michael-John Turner * mj at mjturner.net * http://mjturner.net/ 

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