[rescue] What would you pay for a Type 5 keyboard?

Earl Baugh earl at baugh.org
Fri Jun 4 14:28:23 CDT 2021

Well the stars seemed to align and I just picked up a box (maybe 10-12,
didn't count) of Type 5, 6, 7 Sun keyboards...
Send me a note if you really want one (beer money plus shipping would
work...).   I have a stash already of
maybe another 10-15 so I definitely don't need this many to match up to the
number of Sun machines I have.
Yes, they aren't "new" but if you want a type 5 I have some... (BTW, my
type 4's haven't had any problems yet... Dave, what have you seen go wrong,
very curious..).  The Sun 1 and Sun 2 keyboards I have (which are MUCH
rarer than the type 4 or 5 seem to be build a lot sturdier... and I'm
hoping any future issues are long in the future, given how hard it was to
find them)

FYI -- I found out when we were buying some Ultra 2's (yes a while ago :-)
) that the type 5 layouts ( USA Unix vs USA ) for the keyboard layouts were
different enough to bother me quite a bit :-).  Escape not being in the
right place (for a vi user) is a show stopper.   So, if I find the USA
layout those are definitely in my "get rid of" pile :-).  USA Unix I still
use on old machines...


p.s. At least on the Model M front Unicomp exists and produces pretty much
drop in parts for the old frames (move the keys and keycaps over -- the new
ones don't have the same fit, IMHO) so for my main keyboard (yes, on my
home and work Macs :-) )  I expect to be able to keep going for a while....

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