[rescue] Baby needs new sh... oh, wait.

Stephen Conley cheetah at tanabi.org
Sun Jun 6 11:13:09 CDT 2021

Hey guys;

I'm not sure if this is relevant or helpful in this discussion, but for my
ZFS array I used one of these guys and stacked up a ton of laptop SSD
drives rather than going for larger desktop drives.


There are cheaper places to buy this device other than newegg as I learned
of course a couple months after I bought, but only by a marginal ($20-ish)
amount.  Every little bit helps though!

Of course then you have to have a controller for drive all those disks (I
used a SAS controller as suggested by Peter), and the device itself isn't
all that cheap, but just throwing it out there in case it impacts your
price calculations or is useful to anyone :)

If you read reviews, you will see folks suggest replacing the fans because
the stock fans are loud.  I did the replacement and to my ears the new fans
weren't noticibly quieter, so if I were doing it again, I wouldn't bother
with it.  In the grand scheme of things, this device really isn't that
loud, it's just if your ecosystem mostly consists of silent or near-silent
machines (as mine currently does) it stands out a bit.

Insofar as cooling goes, the drives in the array to run a little hot
compared to similar drives in my laptops, but still well within spec even
if I run them all really hard.  Mine are all SSDs though so you may have
more of a heat problem with spinning rust (... though I'm not sure about
that, SSDs can run amazingly hot these days).  I live in a house with no
air conditioning so it isn't getting outside help.

But with this thing, you could make a mini E450-style disk cage with 2 of
them and a whopping 16 laptop drives which I think is pretty cool.

On Sun, Jun 6, 2021 at 10:06 AM Andy Wallis <rawallis at panix.com> wrote:

> Phil wrote,
> > I think it's time for me to migrate my primary ZFS pool onto larger
> > disks.  It's almost full (in fact it WAS full and I had to migrate some
> > storage off it).  I wish I could spare the dosh to go 100% solid-state
> > on it, but I can't.  It looks like the smart price point right now is to
> > go from 1TB to 4TB drives.
> >
> > So.  Does anyone have 4TB drives that they particularly like right now?
> >  Particularly dislike?  It goes without saying that Western Digital need
> > not apply since practically all WD drives are SMR now.
> I recently had to replace my NAS drives, Toshiba 4TB NAS drives, after 5
> years, and my HP Microserver N36L after 10 years.
> I replaced them with Toshiba 6TB N300
> (
> https://www.amazon.com/Toshiba-3-5-Inch-Internal-Drive-HDWQ140XZSTA/dp/B08BV1T759/
> ) with 128MB /256MB cache.
> The 4-6TB is still about the sweet shop for cost without spending a ton of
> money on the 8-12TB HDDs, if they are in stock.
> The 6TB are $170 while 8TB is $250.
> The 4TBs(128 MB cache) are $106
> I've been loving the Toshibas since they are pretty solid. I only replaced
> them because I started to get more unrecoverable errors or timeouts on my
> server. The SATA backplane on the server was failing and it was time to
> upgrade to a newer model. I kept the old drives around to see if they
> could still be good. I bought new ones anyway just to make sure.
> -Andy Wallis
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