[rescue] Baby needs new sh... oh, wait.

Doug McIntyre merlyn at geeks.org
Tue Jun 8 10:59:09 CDT 2021

On Tue, Jun 08, 2021 at 09:02:01AM +0200, Peter Corlett wrote:
> The products they (WD) got from their HGST aquisition are lovely, and the ones
> they made themselves were okay but nothing special.

There are some decent WD disks, but there are also a lot of very low,
low, and mid range too. You really had to be picky, and not just
believe all the reviews (ie. I always hated WD Red disks, 
would never touch a Green disk to save my life).
Seagate was a lot flatter. But the Tsunami really made them crap for quite some time.
Thankfully that seems to have changed back to much more solid disks now.

> I fancied one of those 48-drive Sun boxes at the time but the price was
> outragous new, and none have turned up cheaply since. Today, I'd pass due to
> the power consumption of its CPU. Online resources are unclear as to what
> storage controller is actually in there, mainly due to there being several
> generations and people not being clear about whether they have a Thumper,
> Thor, or whatever.

There's a small market for large storage appliances PCs now-a-days. Since
the Sun boxen were pretty much a basic x64 server, you can easily find
equivilent in SuperMicro, Cisco (ie. c3160/c3260), HPe, Dell, etc. Just
without the SUN logo. Pretty much the same otherwise. 
Currently looking at HPe 4510 with 60 drive bays now.

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