[rescue] Looking for Solaris DDK (Driver Developer Kit)

Mike Spooner mikes at aalin.co.uk
Fri Jun 11 08:44:52 CDT 2021

Hi Malte,

I've got the S2.6 DDK around *somewhere*, would that be any use if I can dig
it out?

-- Mike

11 Jun 2021 8:20:28 am Malte Dehling <mdehling at gmail.com>:

> Dear all,
> I am looking for an older Solaris Driver Develop Kit, ideally for
> Solaris 2.5(.1) since that is what is used in _Writing FCode 2.x
> Programs_.B  Does anyone here have the CD and would be willing to share
> an ISO image?
> All I found online were the packages SUNWdrvs, SUNWskdbg, SUNWfcode of
> DDK 3.1.B  Unfortunately, this version is too new for what I'm doing
> (looking at the fcode for some older sbus cards): the detokenizer
> complains about obsolete fcodes and the detokenized output will contain
> "obsolete-fcode" in their place.
> In addition, the detokenizer makes some serious errors:
> - External tokens are recognized, but the headers keyword is not added
> before the next token.
> - All return stack statements (>r, r>, r@) are silently dropped.
> Now I can fix these issues by manual post-processing, but I would like
> to see whether an earlier DDK gives better results for SBUS PROMs.
> Cheers,
> Malte
> --
> Malte Dehling
> <mdehling at gmail.com>
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