[rescue] Anyone build this kit?

Andy Wallis rawallis at panix.com
Sat Nov 13 14:19:16 CST 2021

>      Looks cool, I might build one or two when they're back in stock...
>      But I'm not getting rid of my VT's, they're way to hard to find
> these days...
I managed to get one from the tindie[0] site and build it. The overall
options are nice with options for PC or Sun keyboards, ANSI or VT52
encoding, and a host of other tunables. It is hard coded for 80 columns
with an option for 24 or 40 rows.

I've had issues with it because the serial header is TTL. I've tried a
couple of TTL to RS232 converters, but it still comes back with bad data.
I have one more TTL-to-RS232 device coming in tomorrow that I will test

If that fails, I've ordered some PCBs from PCBWay for another version of
the device that includes an onboard RS232 driver. This includes a DC
barrel jack and a USB-A connector for keyboards instead of PS/2.

0: https://www.tindie.com/products/petrohi/geoffs-vt100-terminal-kit/
1: https://hackaday.io/project/173216-ascii-video-terminal

-Andy Wallis

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