[rescue] The Soul of that old Machine

John Hudak jjhudak at gmail.com
Wed Nov 24 08:49:28 CST 2021

Simh is an emulator for a number of machines, including DEC and DG.
I use it a lot and think it is an excellent emulator.  It also emulates a
number of tape drives, hard disks, etc.

Another is Ersatz-11 for DEC machines:
I use this as well.  It also is an excellent emulator.
Hope this helps.

On Wed, Nov 24, 2021 at 9:26 AM Jonathan Patschke <jp at celestrion.net> wrote:

> I finally[0] read Tracy Kidder's _The_Soul_of_a_New_Machine_ last week,
> after it being on my list for at least a decade.  Lamentably, I think
> the suits learned far more from the book than the nerds did.  At over 45
> years hence, heroics and unpaid overtime are the norm around
> "deliverables."
> That aside, I've never used _any_ Data General machine.  Growing up
> rural, microcomputers were about as fancy as anyone got who wasn't doing
> accounting by paper.  DECs, DGs, Suns, and Symbolics were mythical
> beasts I first heard of in the Jargon File.
> What are good resources to get started in emulating an Eclipse or
> Eclipse MV?  What were the typical operating systems like?  Are there
> reasonably accessible setups like the MVS Tur(n)key kit?  I see the RDOS
> kits on the SIMH page, but is there anything for AOS?
> [0] Much as so-called "smart" phones may be a net loss for society, the
>      opportunity to check out library books and read them while otherwise
>      idle is a glimmer of redemption that I really appreciate.
> --
> Jonathan Patschke
> Austin, TX
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