[rescue] 2nd CPU Sun Blade 2500 Silver

William Barnett-Lewis wlewisiii at gmail.com
Mon Sep 13 14:19:35 CDT 2021

Ok, I'm following up to myself.

The people I bought the CPU and Fan from included a second CPU with
the Fan (not mentioned in the ad ;) I thought I would try it.

I now see 8gb at startup and psrinfo -v shows both cpu's at 1600 mhz.

So it would appear that the way to fix the problem is to use a working
CPU...  < bangs head on desk >

Ah well, now just to wait for the ram upgrade to arrive.

Thanks all.


On Mon, Sep 13, 2021 at 12:46 PM William Barnett-Lewis
<wlewisiii at gmail.com> wrote:
Live like you will never die, love like you've never been hurt, dance
like no-one is watching.
                Alex White

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