[rescue] Recommended 13w3 to VGA adapter (Dave McGuire)

Mouse mouse at Rodents-Montreal.ORG
Mon Aug 1 16:21:41 EDT 2022

>> I think I've been mostly lucky with these monitors just working with my var$
> Suns typically don't do sync on green; they have separate sync pins
> on the DB13W3 connector.  Many other workstation-class machines do
> sync-on-green, though.

And it would not surprise me if doing sync-on-green were a reasonable
correlate of being well-designed in other respects and thus being
prepared to play nice with non-modern-mainstream machines - like Suns.

If had bought my monitors instead of getting them free here and there
when someone else is getting rid of them, I may well have had a much
rosier time connecting them to Suns.

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