[rescue] A stupid question probably

Joshua D. Boyd jdboyd at jdboyd.net
Tue Dec 27 02:00:42 EST 2022

I can't answer your question, but a iigs sure would be cool. I wish the trade I had attempted for one had actually worked out.

For cpm, I keep thinking of trying to build something from scratch. Or taking the rc2014 route. I'd like to be able to try mpm as well.

On December 27, 2022 12:42:05 AM EST, William Barnett-Lewis via rescue <rescue at sunhelp.org> wrote:
>I have been thinking about getting an Apple IIgs. I could never afford
>Apple IIs back in the day and lusted after a Laser 128.
>That said, one of the things I'd like to do is use CPM on one of the
>various emulator cards that existed back then.
>Did they work on the IIgs or only on the various Apple II's?
>Live like you will never die, love like you've never been hurt, dance
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>                Alex White
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