[rescue] [FWIW] RaSCSI

Peter Stokes peter at ashlyn.co.uk
Mon Feb 21 10:29:05 CST 2022


So as I see it the RASCSI needs to have a dedicated Raspberry Pi  which makes
it bulky and much more expensive than the BlueSCSI. Also the BlueSCSI version
I bought was faster than the standard BlueSCSI apparently, ie uses a faster
CPU. The packaging appears much smaller which may not be an issue if you are
looking to locate in 5.25b
 slot on the U60.

The BlueSCSI firmware at present does not support luns, but does support
multiple disks, so you could have ID0-3 easily.

As you say the CD slot and connector would make the most sense to use.


Sent from my iPad

> On 21 Feb 2022, at 15:39, Lionel Peterson <lionel4287 at gmail.com> wrote:
> o;?So I found the RASCSI on Tindie:
> https://www.tindie.com/products/landogriffin/rascsi-full-size-assembled/
> And the BlueSCSI:
> https://www.tindie.com/products/theoldnet/bluescsi-to-sd-v10-c/
> And I'm trying to figure out what it would take to use such a device in an
> Ultra 60. Ideally I'd like to keep any hard drive emulator hardware inside
> case, but I guess an external drive hanging off the SCSI connector on back
> the system would be OK since the internal SCSI devices are on trays, except
> the CD drive, which is a 50 pin cable.
> Ideas?
> Ken
>> On Feb 21, 2022, at 08:29, Peter Stokes <peter at ashlyn.co.uk> wrote:
>> Hi
>> Just a quick update. I loaded Sol 7 on the Voyager and the format program
>> works fine, it was obviously a bug in Sol 6 format/driver which causes it
> to
>> crash.
>> Peter
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