[rescue] uucp

Mouse mouse at Rodents-Montreal.ORG
Mon Jun 6 13:49:45 EDT 2022

> I was using uLaw / G.711 which was a raw transport and didn't do any
> type of compression.

Actually, it does, just not a very obvious type.  ulaw/alaw do actually
compress data, but they do it per-sample, converting 16-bit samples to
8-bit, and it's thus not as obvious as what most codecs do.  (It does
absolutely no inter-sample compression.  Additionally, it's completely
hidden in a lot of cases, because many VoI phones will convert to
ulaw/alawe in the phone, before the switch ever sees the data.)

Specifically, based on years-old memories from when I actually worked
with this stuff, ulaw/alaw (they differ in detail in ways I'm unclear
on; I _think_ it was ulaw I worked with) is basically a floating-point
format with, IIRC, one bit of sign, three of exponent, and four of
mantissa, compressing a 16-bit sample down to 8 bits.

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