[rescue] HW && SW observations :: WAS:::2009 prototype Sun system for sale on eBay

Jerry Kemp jkemp512 at protonmail.com
Mon Sep 12 01:05:25 EDT 2022

I agree.

Fingers crossed, hoping the seller and/or the buyer are here already, or might find their way here.

Awesome you were able to interact with the seller.  I can only speak for myself, but it would be great to hear about any additional
technical details the seller was able to share with you.

-------- Original Message --------
From: Malte Dehling <mdehling at gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2022 at 23:58
To: The Rescue List
Subject: [rescue] HW && SW observations :: WAS:::2009 prototype Sun system for sale on eBay

I’m also curious about the graphics.  Would love to add the logo (if any) to the
collection here:
<https://github.com/mdehling/sun-fb-logos> .

I spoke to the seller and he said he never hooked up a monitor and only ever
used a serial connection.  I’m hoping he‘ll agree to put me in touch with the
buyer and maybe I can get some more info that way.

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