[rescue] HW && SW observations :: WAS:::2009 prototype Sun system for sale on eBay

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 12 02:54:14 EDT 2022

The CPU is obviously a T-2, I don't think there exists a 64 core UltraSPARC IIIi AFAIK.

Final price over £2K!



> On Sep 11, 2022, at 23:40, Jerry Kemp <jkemp512 at protonmail.com> wrote:
> As I (personally) stew forward and think more about this system, the seller identifies the CPU as an UltraSparc IIIi, as shown in
> the eBay description.  But many of us are aware, Oracle/Sun depreciated all older Sparc CPU's with Solaris 11.0 GA arrival, leaving
> support for T-series and M-series.  In theory, an UltraSparc IIIi CPU would have been dropped after Solaris 11 Express.
> But OTOH, The youtube boot video identifies the CPU as an UltraSPARC T-2, most common to me in Sun T51xx and T52xx systems.  Actual
> list of systems the T2 CPU was in listed here:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UltraSPARC_T2
> But as the video progresses (7) [console] lines forward, the root nexus is clearly identified as "Sun Wollemi Desktop".  It seems
> clear to me that the eBay posting probably incorrectly list the CPU as the UltraSparc IIIi.
> In closing, I'm not in any way suggesting any deception from the seller, I'm just attempting to figure all this out in my head.
> With the excitement of this auction, IMHO, this is probably the best time as any, while we are focused on this system, to try to
> work thru and identify all the neat things that this system would have offered.
> More than anything, I'm curious as to what frame buffer was shipped as part of this system, providing DVI and HDMI outputs.
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