[rescue] Sun I2C troubles

Jack Berry jackberry at outlook.com
Tue Apr 18 10:08:14 EDT 2023

Hi all,

Recently when I went to power on my V880z I found that OBP was full of errors about "SSC050 fan speed counter". With a serial terminal connected, I saw things like: "FATAL: I2C segment 5 bus is not operational. The system cannot be correctly probed and configured". It appears that one of the GPIO registers on this I2C controller failed and now my machine cannot properly identify itself, preventing me from booting into Solaris. I was able to find a replacement for the 64 PQFP SSC050 I2C backplane controller on eBay, and I'm hoping that simply just replacing that IC will fix my problems. This is the second Sun machine I have had fail due to an I2C issue this year. Has anyone else seen anything like this? Are I2C chips starting to flake out on UltraSPARC machines now?

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