[rescue] SGI

Mouse mouse at Rodents-Montreal.ORG
Thu Oct 5 12:47:59 EDT 2023

>>> I'm not sure why anyone would run anything other than IRIX on an
>>> SGI.  The combination of hardware and OS is the magic.

>> Speaking personally:
>> Why?  Because IRIX is closed source.
> Well yeah, but nothing else takes advantage of the hardware, and
> IRIX, closed source or not, is a fantastic OS.

...if your use cases can tolerate closed source.  Most of mine
generally can't.  (Not quite all.  The few exceptions are generally
work stuff for which I need to run what work gives me, which these days
means Linux, about which I won't say more to avoid slipping into
full-on ranting.)

>> [...] I prefer to ignore the undocumented hardware rather than use
>> closed software to access it.
> Well then.

Yup.  I was, as I said, speaking personally.

Nothing wrong with others choosing differently.

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