[rescue] SS10 + RasterFlex-32 random screen blanking

Mike Spooner mikes at aalin.co.uk
Sun Oct 22 14:34:05 EDT 2023


As you might guess, as the author/host of the place you got the 5.0 drivers from, I've been using those on Solaris 2.6 on my SS10 and SPARCclassic with a Rasterflex-32, with two different Dell LCD screens, for many years. I've never seen that occasional spurious blanking you have experienced.

As far as driver versions go, bear in mind question 22 from the official Rasterflex FAQ: https://fido.aalin.co.uk/vault/hw/system/sun/3rdparty/rasterflex/rasterfaq.html#faq022

PS: if anyone knows where a copy of the 4.5 or earlier Rasterflex drivers are located, let me know - I'd like to add them to my archive, for SunOS prior to 4.1.3.

-- Mike

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