[rescue] HP 9000/800 G40

Scott Quinn saquinn624 at aol.com
Sat Sep 2 16:04:38 EDT 2023

 Richard said:>>Have reached out and am tracking down software. Have also now purchased a MUX ADM breakout board + Cable to get the console.
>>Down a new rabbit hole ;-) 

The Novas are well made but conventional, I have a G70 that isn't too bad. I don't know about that specific breakout board and cable, but the console comes out of the main I/O board (the one with SCSI and Ethernet) on the 3-pin mini-DIN. Why? Who knows.
I have HP-UX 11.0 on mine (11.0 has the unified S800/S700 distribution), but if I were doing it over again I would probably put 10.20 on, bit lighter weight. At the time I didn't have 10.20 for s800, but I do now.
Note that even if you do find a x70 dual processor board you need both the x70 CPU fan board and a different backplane that provides power for the fan board. I have a friend who got a spare I50 and we were going to see if we could build a big-CPU big-IO out of my G70 SMP CPU and his I50, but the backplane wouldn't drive the fan board.
One thing I haven't found for HP-9000s is much of the "killer apps." For some reason you can find plenty of them for IRIX, but not much for HP-UX or AIX. Unfortunate as it is always kind of nice to set machines up so you can see "how they used to be used"  
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