[rescue] [OT] S: IBM /370 or /390 card

Mouse mouse at Rodents-Montreal.ORG
Tue Sep 12 16:10:58 EDT 2023

> There once was also a company that made Sun SPARCstations that
> occupied a full-height 5 1/4" drive space, I'd love to have one of
> those, but I think they were a bit under-powered Sun4m based systems
> (like an SS/5?).

What little I've found (lots of links seem to be broken) they were on a
par with an SS20, except for the number of Mbus and Sbus slots.  Oh,
and the lack of a potential cgfourteen; it wouldn't be nearly as useful
for me because of that - well, unless I can figure a way to drive
1920x1080 with it anyway.  (Is anyone still making Sbus hardware?
Maybe someone could do a more flexible framebuffer card with modern

I find myself wishing I had a SPARCplug, but, honestly, I doubt I could
use it for much because of the framebuffer issue.  Unless it came with
a cgsix capable of more than 1152x900, I suppose, but those also seem
to be pretty thin on the ground.  (I might have one somewhere.  I'm not
sure I know where all my Sbus cards are.)

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